CFE and Sedatu open 70 Free WiFi points across Mexico


Some of the local beneficiaries are in Tijuana, Campeche, Seybaplaya, Chalco, Texcoco, Puerto Vallarta, Morelos, Bahía de Banderas, Solidaridad, Nacajuca and in Progreso, Yucatán.

With the establishment of 70 free internet access points in works built through the Urban Improvement Program (PMU) in 11 municipalities of the country, the Secretariat of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (Sedatu), in coordination with a subsidiary of the Commission Federal Electricity (CFE), CFE Telecommunications and Internet for All (CFE TEIT), will seek to improve connectivity in various areas of the country.

Comisión Federal de Electricidad y Sedatu aperturan 70 puntos WiFi.

With the implementation of this program, it is expected to benefit 965 thousand people in the states of  Baja California (Tijuana), Campeche (Campeche and Seybaplaya), State of Mexico (Chalco and Texcoco), Jalisco (Puerto Vallarta), Morelos (Ayala) , Nayarit (Bay of Banderas), Quintana Roo (Solidarity), Tabasco (Nacajuca) and Yucatan (Progress).

Through a statement, Sedatu reported the formalization of a program with  CFE TEIT  for the provision of equipment for the provision of access to free internet service considering the transportation, distribution, and installation of technological equipment in public spaces and equipment made by the PMU.

The network in these spaces is called  CFE Internet and has 4.5 G broadband for fixed internet use with indoor coverage and high-speed data transmission.

As will be recalled, from April to December 2021, Sedatu signed agreements with the beneficiary municipalities and it was agreed that CFE TEIT will provide the equipment while the municipal governments are responsible for the protection and care for its proper functioning.


Mexico Daily Post