Nayarit is located in the third national place with less discrimination in people over 18 years of age, according to a study carried out between 2017 and 2022 by INEGI in collaboration with the National Council to prevent discrimination and the National Commission of Rights Humans.
According to the National Discrimination Survey (ENADIS) 2022 published by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI); It was reported that almost 3 out of 4 nayaritas (74 percent) agree with same -sex marriage, a figure that widely exceeds the national average of 65.3. In addition to 63.2 percent are in favor that same -sex couples can adopt, which exceeds 54.4 percent that the national average presents.
The ENADIS also emphasizes that 79 percent of Nayaritas have been shown in favor of the affirmative actions of the National Electoral Institute, which allow to reserve spaces of popular election to be occupied by indigenous or Afromexicans. Which is also above the national average that is located at 75.4 percent, they conclude various means with respect to the figures presented in the survey.
“According to the survey, 87 percent of Nayaritas believe that there are the same labor rights to decide whether the man or woman stays at home with the newborn children. The national average of this question is located at 80.7 percent, ”they publish.
Source: NTV+