36 billion pesos will be invested in the construction of Puerto Nayarit

Foto por Crys Benítez (3).jpeg

In order to grow the State’s economy, during the six-year term of Governor Miguel Ángel Navarro Quintero, work has been done to attract direct investments to the State.

The head of the State’s Secretariat of Economy, César Octavio Lara Fonseca, explained that one of the major projects that are in the pipeline is the construction of Puerto Nayarit, for which there is already an investment of over 36 billion pesos by a company from the United Arab Emirates.

Likewise, an American company is interested in investing in 100 hectares in the north of the State, for the production of spirulina algae, which will be an economic and employment trigger for that area.

Regarding the Tepic airport, which will also become a loading and unloading point, a Mexican company is investing 100 million dollars for the construction of hangars, which will boost the industrial area.

In conclusion, César Octavio Lara Fonseca added that Nayarit is slowly taking off in terms of economic development, making it clear that the strategy is bearing important fruit.

Source: oem