Nayarit exceeds the national average of anti-COVID vaccination applied


There are more than 679 thousand people who have already been vaccinated in the state, with at least one dose, while the vaccination days continue to complete the schedules in the population.

The Ministry of Health reports that 53 percent of people over 18 years of age who live in the country have at least one dose against COVID-19 and in Nayarit there are more than 679 thousand people, which is equivalent to 55%, exceeding the national average.

Arranca vacunación contra Covid-19 en Tepic - El Occidental | Noticias  Locales, Policiacas, sobre México, Guadalajara y el Mundo

The Daily Technical Report of this August 2 refers that 47 million 690 thousand 704 people have been vaccinated. Of that total, 25 million 808 thousand 916, equivalent to 54 percent, have a complete scheme; while 21 million 881 thousand 788, corresponding to 46 percent, have at least one dose.

While in Nayarit the vaccination programs continue, as in the case of San Pedro Lagunillas that started with the application of the second dose for people between 50 and 59 years old, as well as Jala, Ahuacatlán, and Santa María del Oro.

The Ministry of Health reiterates the call to the adult population to be vaccinated when their turn comes and request timely medical attention in case of presenting any symptoms of COVID-19. Warning signs may be shortness of breath, rapid breathing, and high pulse, fever that does not go away, chest or chest pain; in girls and boys, persistent crying.


The Nayarit Post